Selasa, 24 November 2020



Pengertian announcement
Menurut Collins Dictionary, an announcement is a statement made to the public or to the media which gives information about something that has happened or that will happen.

Pengumuman adalah pernyataan yang disampaikan kepada publik atau media yang memberikan informasi tentang sesuatu yang telah atau akan terjadi.

Informasi tersebut biasa ditulis atau disampaikan secara lisan di tempat umum. Hal tersebut dikarenakan informasi yang disampaikan bisa menyangkut orang banyak. Pengumuman bisa juga diunggah melalui internet atau media sosial.

Jenis announcement
Jenis-jenis pengumuman bisa dilihat dari fungsinya. Beberapa diantaranya menurut Sumber Belajar Kemdikbud adalah:

Birthday announcement / Pengumuman ulang tahun
Meeting announcement / Pengumuman meeting
Losing kid announcement / Pengumuman anak hilang
School announcement / Pengumuman sekolah
Baby birth announcement / Pengumuman kelahiran bayi
Wedding announcement / Pengumuman pernikahan
Departure and arrival of flight announcement / Pengumuman keberangkatan dan kedatangan penerbangan

Structure of an announcement
Melansir Sumber Belajar Kemdikbud (seamolec), struktur pengumuman ada tiga, yaitu opening, content, dan closing.
Bagian pembuka biasanya berupa sapaan dan menyebutkan topik yang akan disampaikan.

Bagian ini memuat informasi yang disampaikan. Dalam bagian isi, hendaknya unsur 5W+1H dimasukkan agar pengumuman menjadi jelas.

Bagian penutup biasanya permintaan dari pemberi pengumuman akan suatu hal seperti menghubungi kontak yang tertera, permintaan maaf, permintaan maklum, penegasan aturan, dan lain-lain.

Selasa, 17 November 2020


Pengertian Passive Voice

Passive voice adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat menerima aksi, bukan melakukan aksi. Tidak seperti active voice yang fokus terhadap pihak yang melakukan aksi (doer of action), bentuk ini lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau objek yang menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action).

Passive voice adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat menerima aksi, bukan melakukan aksi. Tidak seperti active voice yang fokus terhadap pihak yang melakukan aksi (doer of action), bentuk ini lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau objek yang menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action).


My parents plant some flowers

(Pelaku aksi)


Some flowers are planted by my parents

(Penerima aksi)

Umumnya, kalimat aktif yang bisa ditransformasi menjadi kalimat pasif berbentuk kalimat aktif yang mengandung transitive verbs (kata kerja yang memerlukan objek langsung) seperti make, bring, buy, write dan sebagainya. Sebaliknya, kalimat pasif yang mengandung intransitive verbs (kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan objek langsung) seperti cry, swim, go, arrive, dan die tidak bisa diubah menjadi kalimat pasif.

Subject + to be (am/is/are) + past participle (pp)

Selasa, 10 November 2020

recreation place


The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year.
          Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair.The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930; however, due to the addition in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now taller than the Chrysler Building. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.


          The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend, by stairs or lift, to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by elevator. Both the first and second levels feature restaurants.
          The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2020

Descriptive Text


Descriptive text has its own rules in writing, including in the structure or composition of which must be written in order. If you are prompted to create descriptive text, then make sure the structure is as follows:

 1. Identification

 This section in the first paragraph - the goal is to identify something to be described or depicted. Explanation easy, Identification serves to introduce the reader about the object or something that we have described before we tell about its properties. The goal is not to get one of those readers.

 2. Description

This section in the second paragraph and so on - contains the properties inherent in something that you already introduced to the reader in the first paragraph.

Borobudhur Temple

Barabudhur temple is a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. This temple is located approximately 100 km to the southwest of Semarang, 86 km to the west of Surakarta, and 40 km to the northwest of Yogyakarta. This stupa-shaped temple was founded by Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800 AD during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple or temple in the world, as well as one of the largest Buddhist monuments in the world.

Borobudur Temple was arranged using square andesite stone. The shape of the structure such as a punden terraces that are getting up increasingly smaller with four stairs that are on each side of the compass (east, south, west, and north).

The structure consists of 9 terraces consisting of 6 terraces with a rectangular and 3 terraces with a circle. Among the terrace forms there is a floor called a plateau. In the middle of the floor, you will find a small stairwell with couples of stairs connecting each floor that you can use as a passage to go to the top. On each level of the floor, there are a lot of relief panels and Buddha statues spread around it. Based on the data, there are 2,672 panels and 504 statues in total. There is a dome located on the top center of the temple and is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. Borobudur Temple has a length of 121.66 meters, 121.38 meters wide and 35.40 meters high.

According to Buddhist philosophy the Borobudur Temple is an imitation of the universe that consists of three vertical levels, namely Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, and Arupadhatu. Kamadhatu is the lower part of the temple which symbolizes the underworld, describing human behavior that is still bound by worldly passions (ordinary human places). Rupadhatu is the middle part of the temple that symbolizes the nature between, describing human behavior that has begun to leave worldly desires, but is still bound by the real world. Arupadhatu is the upper part of the temple which symbolizes the upper realm, the place of the gods. The symbol of the intangible element and as a sign of levels that have left worldly passions.

The Borobudur Temple stones are thought to originate from rivers around Borobudur with a total volume of around 55,000 meters³ (approximately 2,000,000 pieces of stone).

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2020

Planning ✨


Planning is a process. The process of planning a sequence of rational sequences in planning. The process has the following characteristics: - Can be invincible with objectives - Can be adapted to existing limitations - Can be developed according to certain techniques and needs

Hi, friends
How were activities at home? really boring right? hemm I'm so bored studying at home, it's been seven months I've always studied at home. I really miss my friends. if this pandemic is over I want to go to school to hang out with other friends and spend time together. I will be happy when studying in the classroom.

Selasa, 08 September 2020


 Expression of compliment adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut ekspresi atau ungkapan memuji dalam Bahasa Inggris. Sesuai dengan namanya, expression of compliment berfungsi untuk menyampaikan pujian terhadap orang lain.

This is a photo of my friend, her name is Syifa. she looked beautiful and firm in her Scout uniform. she is a member of the Scouts. she was so good at the Scouting field

here are our conversations on her Instagram social media

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2020


 Definition of congratulation

1: a congratulatory expression —usually used in plural

Congratulations on your promotion.

2: the act of congratulating

Examples of congratulation in a Sentence

 Let me offer you my congratulations for being elected.

 Please send her my congratulations.

Congratulation adalah merupakan ucapan yang memberikan aspresiasi kepada orang telah mandapatkan keberhasilan.
Expression of Congratulation adalah sebuah ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberikan ucapan selamat pada seseorang yang telah sukses dalam meraih cita-citanya.

Congratulation memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata good wish. Artinya memberikan aspresiasi atau harapan yang baik ke seseorang.

Bagaimana Cara Penggunaan Expression of Congratulation?

Expression of Congratulation digunakan untuk memberikan kata selamat kepada seseorang.

Berikut ini ada ilustarsi tentang Expresent of Congratulation:

Rahmat Isnadi baru-baru saja lulus dari salah satu perguruan tinggi. Kemudian, Nadhy memberikan kata selamat kapadnya.

 Rahmat Isnadi: I have graduated in this years. Now, I am very happy.

Nadhy : that is good news, I hope that you get success.

Jenis-jenis Expression of Congratulation.

Ada beberapa jenis Expression of Congratulation dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berikut nie beberapa Expression of Congratulation:

Someone's Birthday
Someone's Wedding
Christmas day
Eid/ Idul Fitri day
New Year
Valentine days
dan masih banyak lagi yang lain...

Contoh Dialog Expression of Congratulation

Setelah kami tunjukan jenis-jenis Expression of Congratulation, saatnya untuk menunjukan kepada kalian beberapa contoh dari Expression of Congratulation. Yuk:

Expression of Congratulation:

Congratulation my friend!
Congratulation on your promotion.
Congratulation for your graduate.
Let me congratulate on your success.
I congratulate you on your achievements.
Congratulation on your success.
Congratulation on your achievements.
Good job!
Nice work!
It was really great to hear about.
You are fantastic!
That’s excellent of you!
Well done, congratulation for you.
How fortunate.
You did very well.
You have done good work.
I will become the first to congratulate you on your success.
I’d like to congratulate you on your success.
Please, accept my warmest congratulations.
May I congratulate you on…
I must say congratulation on…
I would like to congratulate to you.
Congratulations on your wedding.
I must congratulate you for a job promotion.
I congratulate you for winning this tournament.
Let me congratulate you.
I am very happy with your success.
Happy new year.
Happy birthday my boy.

Ada ungkapan, ada pula respon. Simak beberapa kalimat di bawah ini yang merupakan respon dalam Expressing Congratulation.

Jika ada ungkapan maka adapula respon dari ungkapan tesebut. Nah, simaklah text di bawah ini yang merupakan dalam merespon Expression of Congratulation.

Cara Merespon Expression of Congratulation

Pada pembahasa sebelumnya admin telah berjanji untuk memberikan, jawaban respon daru Expression of Congratulation. Yuk simak:

Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thanks, I needed that.
It’s very kind of you to say that.
It’s very kind of you to say so.
Thank you, I still need to learn more.
It’s nothing at all.
Do you really think that?

Contoh mini dialog

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2020

My new friend 🥰

 Hello gais.. I will introduce my new friend. Her name is Deanisa. She was my classmate in high school. She is a kind and beautiful person. if I'm in trouble he likes to help me. We also like to swap stories. I want to be able to meet her soon and play in person


Due to our long distance, we can only communicate via cell phones. Dea lives in Bekasi while I live in Johar Baru.
Even though the distance separates us, we can still be close friends

I also have new friends from other schools. We got to know each other through Instagram. And finally we can meet in person:') his name is Ahmad Dailani i like to call him kak dai

And this is my new friends at paskibra

Kamis, 30 Juli 2020

Introduction myself

Hello my friend..
I'm Avifah 👋

Hi, nice to know all of you:)
You can see the video above is a video introduction to me..