Kamis, 27 Agustus 2020


 Definition of congratulation

1: a congratulatory expression —usually used in plural

Congratulations on your promotion.

2: the act of congratulating

Examples of congratulation in a Sentence

 Let me offer you my congratulations for being elected.

 Please send her my congratulations.

Congratulation adalah merupakan ucapan yang memberikan aspresiasi kepada orang telah mandapatkan keberhasilan.
Expression of Congratulation adalah sebuah ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberikan ucapan selamat pada seseorang yang telah sukses dalam meraih cita-citanya.

Congratulation memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata good wish. Artinya memberikan aspresiasi atau harapan yang baik ke seseorang.

Bagaimana Cara Penggunaan Expression of Congratulation?

Expression of Congratulation digunakan untuk memberikan kata selamat kepada seseorang.

Berikut ini ada ilustarsi tentang Expresent of Congratulation:

Rahmat Isnadi baru-baru saja lulus dari salah satu perguruan tinggi. Kemudian, Nadhy memberikan kata selamat kapadnya.

 Rahmat Isnadi: I have graduated in this years. Now, I am very happy.

Nadhy : that is good news, I hope that you get success.

Jenis-jenis Expression of Congratulation.

Ada beberapa jenis Expression of Congratulation dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berikut nie beberapa Expression of Congratulation:

Someone's Birthday
Someone's Wedding
Christmas day
Eid/ Idul Fitri day
New Year
Valentine days
dan masih banyak lagi yang lain...

Contoh Dialog Expression of Congratulation

Setelah kami tunjukan jenis-jenis Expression of Congratulation, saatnya untuk menunjukan kepada kalian beberapa contoh dari Expression of Congratulation. Yuk:

Expression of Congratulation:

Congratulation my friend!
Congratulation on your promotion.
Congratulation for your graduate.
Let me congratulate on your success.
I congratulate you on your achievements.
Congratulation on your success.
Congratulation on your achievements.
Good job!
Nice work!
It was really great to hear about.
You are fantastic!
That’s excellent of you!
Well done, congratulation for you.
How fortunate.
You did very well.
You have done good work.
I will become the first to congratulate you on your success.
I’d like to congratulate you on your success.
Please, accept my warmest congratulations.
May I congratulate you on…
I must say congratulation on…
I would like to congratulate to you.
Congratulations on your wedding.
I must congratulate you for a job promotion.
I congratulate you for winning this tournament.
Let me congratulate you.
I am very happy with your success.
Happy new year.
Happy birthday my boy.

Ada ungkapan, ada pula respon. Simak beberapa kalimat di bawah ini yang merupakan respon dalam Expressing Congratulation.

Jika ada ungkapan maka adapula respon dari ungkapan tesebut. Nah, simaklah text di bawah ini yang merupakan dalam merespon Expression of Congratulation.

Cara Merespon Expression of Congratulation

Pada pembahasa sebelumnya admin telah berjanji untuk memberikan, jawaban respon daru Expression of Congratulation. Yuk simak:

Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thanks, I needed that.
It’s very kind of you to say that.
It’s very kind of you to say so.
Thank you, I still need to learn more.
It’s nothing at all.
Do you really think that?

Contoh mini dialog

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2020

My new friend 🥰

 Hello gais.. I will introduce my new friend. Her name is Deanisa. She was my classmate in high school. She is a kind and beautiful person. if I'm in trouble he likes to help me. We also like to swap stories. I want to be able to meet her soon and play in person


Due to our long distance, we can only communicate via cell phones. Dea lives in Bekasi while I live in Johar Baru.
Even though the distance separates us, we can still be close friends

I also have new friends from other schools. We got to know each other through Instagram. And finally we can meet in person:') his name is Ahmad Dailani i like to call him kak dai

And this is my new friends at paskibra